Florida TQIP Collaborative - Your Help is Needed

As presented at the April 6, 2018 Florida Committee on Trauma (FCOT) Business Meeting, the FCOT is developing a Florida TQIP Collaborative. Andy Kerwin, MD, FACS, FCOT Vice-Chair, is leading the project and would like the support of the membership and Florida trauma community in making sure that the proposed Mission Statement and Vision Statement meet the needs of a Florida trauma quailty collaborative:

Proposed Mission Statement:  The Florida TQIP Collaborative works collaboratively with all Florida trauma centers to provide careful analysis of statewide quality data to identify opportunities for improvement that will allow all Florida trauma centers to provide the highest quality of trauma care for its citizens and visitors.

Proposed Vision Statement:  The Florida TQIP Collaborative will strive to improve quality of trauma care to reduce morbidity and mortality while reducing healthcare costs of trauma care across all trauma centers in Florida so that Florida trauma centers are the nation’s leaders in trauma care.

Please contact exec@floridacot.org with your comments by April 30, 2018. All comments will be considered and discussed at the July FCOT Business Meeting.

FCOT Staff