Thank you for pursuing establishment of an ATLS teaching site at your location. This will ensure Florida practioners have abundant access to training. The information provided will assist you in preparing for your site’s review.
Please review the four attachments:
Template for new ATLS site Appraisal - This is a short word document you will complete. We would like to see your resources, including space and faculty. This should be a short synopsis of your sites information.
US Canada Initial Site Visit and Checklist - Provides a description of the timelines for initial survey. Page 467 is the form that will be completed by you and sent to FCOT for chair signature and subsequent approval by ACS COT in Chicago.
ATLS Schedule of Fees - Provides the FCOT established maximum renumeration and registration fees to create a statewide policy. Your site is free to discount or waive registration as you see fit.