The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) has developed and released the seventh edition of Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient (2022 Standards). The just-released Resources Manual outlines the standards required for trauma center verification by the ACS COT’s Verification, Review, and Consultation (VRC) program. The manual sets expectations for centers’ commitment, readiness, resources, policies, patient care, performance improvement, and other relevant components of a trauma program.
From the 387 standards in the 2014 edition, there are now 110 clear and concise standards in the 2022 edition. Above all, the new standards will continue to support and advance optimal care for injured patients, while making it easier for centers to incorporate these standards into their daily practice.
The new standards will take effect next year and be used for verification visits beginning in late 2023. The Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient (2022 Standards) is available for download today on the ACS website.