Welcome to the Florida TQIP Collaborative. The Florida Committee on Trauma is leading the development of a Florida collaborative to improve the quality of care for trauma patients in Florida and link the trauma community to the Florida Trauma System Advisory Council.

Mission:  The Florida TQIP Collaborative works collaboratively with all Florida trauma centers to provide careful analysis of statewide quality data to identify opportunities for improvement that will allow all Florida trauma centers to provide the highest quality of trauma care for its citizens and visitors.

Vision:  The Florida TQIP Collaborative will strive to improve quality of trauma care to reduce morbidity and mortality while reducing healthcare costs of trauma care across all trauma centers in Florida so that Florida trauma centers are the nation’s leaders in trauma care.

Steering Committee

Position Name Institution
Executive Director Ralph Barker, MD HCA Florida Blake Hospital
FCOT State Chair Peter Pappas, MD University of Central Florida
Level 1 TPM Representative Candace Pineda Memorial Health
Level 1 TMD Representative
Tracy Zito, MD
Gabriel Ruiz, MD (alt)
Orlando Health
University of Miami
Level 2 TPM Representative Vacant Vacant
Level 2 TMD Representative
Darwin Ang, MD
Joshua Hagan, MD (alt)
HCA Florida Ocala Hospital
Pediatric Trauma Center TPM Shakeva Swain Nicklaus Children's
Pediatric Trauma Center TMD Keith Thatch, MD

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

Trauma Registrar Tabetha Harris UF Health Gainesville
Ex-Officio Chair Nicholas Namias, MD University of Miami

Florida Dept. of Health

Michael Leffler* Florida Dept. of Health
*Ex-Officio, non-voting role



    Education Sessions:

    Additional Resources:

    Governing Documents:

    Stay tuned for more information and resources as the FL TQIP Collaborative progresses. If you have any questions regarding this initiative, please feel free to contact David Ebler, MD FLTQIP Executive Director at fltqip@floridacot.org.